A commitment to queer stories.
DaPoPo embraces queer themes, characters, stories, and artists, including productions such as The Sex Play, DaPride Café, Acting OUT!, and the Queer Theatre Ensemble (QTEies)/SHAKESqEARE, reflecting our core members’ convictions and lived experience.
A good idea that stuck.
DaPoPo Theatre was conceived of in 2003, and staged its inaugural production at the Bus Stop Theatre in Halifax/Kjipuktuk in 2004. Our intention was to combine elements of political and popular theatre, inspired by the work of – among others – Bertolt Brecht, Augusto Boal, and Jerzy Grotowski, with an open door policy and international reach.

A love of music.
We love musicals! What can we say? Many of our core members bring musical expertise to the company. We produced Sunday in the Park With George, and developed original shows including So… What About Love?, A Little Cabaret, The FEAR Project, KAMP (workshop), and Broadway Boyz.
A rotating cast of amazing artists
and conscientious contributors.
We pursue an ideal of radical inclusion and access. We have worked with a rotating group of hundreds of core and associated artists, emerging and established, amateur and professional. DaPoPo is committed to professional development and community outreach, including the DaPoPo Academy Youth Ensemble (DAYE), Acting OUT!, Live-In Festival (LIFe), our long-standing collaboration with Alderney Landing, and our work with young artists.
Taking it on the road.
Many of our shows have been presented outside of Nova Scotia, in Canada, as well as Europe, including Four Actors in Search of a Nation, 13 Ways of Looking at a Madman, Apocalypse 2006, The Halifax Hearings, Café DaPoPo, DaPoPo’s Drinking Game, and Jesus Is A Faggot.
A creative response to life.
From 2007-2017, DaPoPo hosted the month-long Live-In Festival (LIFe) at the TNS Living Room. When that space closed, DaPoPo moved to LIFe 4EVR, offering year-round play readings, workshops, concerts, performances, and social events, including Not Quite Burns Night, Drop-In Music Theory Sessions at 1313 Hollis, and the on-going work with DaPoPo’s Queer Theatre Ensemble (QTEies) and SHAKESqEARE workshop in collaboration with Shakespeare-by-the-Sea.
Current Members

GaRRy Williams
(He / Him)
Founding member and Artistic Director of DaPoPo Theatre, favourite DaPoPo adventures are Four Actors in Search of A Nation, Sunday in the Park With George, The Pirate Show, So… What About Love?, Café DaPoPo, The Drinking Game, Making It, and The FEAR Project. What he likes the most about DaPoPo is the chance to create opportunities for himself and others, take risks, and grow as an artist – and, of course, the many loves and friendships that have sprung up alongside the work.
He brings to DaPoPo a love of music, collective creation, and political theatre. He looks forward to whatever’s next: in particular, that of which he cannot yet possibly conceive. He would like to thank Howard Beye, Kim Parkhill, and Eric Benson (next to so many other indispensable colleagues!), on whose work, whim, and wisdom DaPoPo was built.

Kristi Anderson
(She / Her)
Artistic Associate since 2005, favourite DaPoPo adventures are Café DaPoPo, The Live-In Festival (LIFe), Julius Caesar, The FEAR Project, The Pirate Show, R.U.R, A Little Cabaret, and The Halifax Hearings. What she likes most about DaPoPo is the opportunity to be a part of a company who is constantly creating and challenging her artistically and personally. For Kristi, DaPoPo continues to be a safe space to dream and figure out not only what can be achieved but how.
Kristi brings to DaPoPo experience in singing, musical and political theatre, and most recently, a music therapy perspective. She looks forward to continued collaboration, discovery and additional opportunities to share her quirky sense of humour. She would like to thank Garry Williams for continuing to inspire and encourage her creativity, the many artistic collaborators she’s been lucky to work with, and her family for their continued love and support.

Quincy Russell
(He / Him)
Quincy is a multi-(un)disciplined artist whose interest in the performing arts, sexuality, and fun n’ games led him to find a home with DaPoPo where he has been an Ass. Artist and Co-Producer since 2015. He is a work-in-progress, under the mentoring of a number of awe-inspiring artists in Halifax, who will act, sing, and dance when given a reason and plenty of time. His enterprising instincts, both learned and inherited, lead him to produce DaPoPo’s oft-ambitious programming, and to share his time with a seasonal landscape gardening business (un-titled).
His favourite DaPoPo projects are The Live-In Festival; and The QTE "/cuties/", both of which aspire to revel-in, develop, and celebrate the artists we are fortunate to have in our midst.

James Thornton
(He / Him • They / Them)
DaPoPo’s newest collaborator, James has had many encounters with the DaPoPo over the last few years, and seeing the compassion and joy that DaPoPo was bringing to theatre, James knew that this was the space where he could grow and nurture his ideas with a supportive team watching over him. He is excited to see what the future brings with DaPoPo and is happy to have jumped on this train that is called DaPoPo.
A renegade of funk, he brings to DaPoPo random esoteric information and references, a love for the unconventional arts, and his own writings. James calls his art “theatre-for-no-one”, which he describes as art that has no overall meaning, but is meant for everyone and no one. James would like to personally thank Garry Williams, Quincy Russell, and Kristi Anderson for opening their doors to him and being a supportive artistic team.

Luke Hathaway
(He / Him • They / Them)
Artistic Associate Luke Hathaway considers himself a prodigal son of DaPoPo, having begun with the company as a co-creator of its inaugural production, Four Actors in Search of a Nation, in 2004, then strayed from the fold for many years, before finding his wandery way back in 2020. DaPoPovian collaborations from the years of his wanderings are the 2010 Live-in and 13 Ways of Looking at a Madman; since his return, he has plunged himself into Not-Quite-Burns nights, the DaPoPo Archive, and the watery world of This Is Not Safe.
In his other lives, Luke is a poet, a librettist, and a professor of Creative Writing. He brings to DaPoPo a maker’s joy in language, a fascination with the emergent properties of collaborative art, and a willingness to be transformed. He would like to thank the DaPoPo family for welcoming him (back) in.

Ivy Abbott-Charles
She / Her
Ivy is an actor, puppeteer, and collaborator with a passion for political and activist art. She has been involved with DaPoPo since 2017, when she performed in The Drinking Game. She has also been involved as a performer/organizer with the Live-In Festival, Christkindl Market, and Café DaPoPo. Ivy has a Master’s in Performance from the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, where she learned to take up space and embrace risk in art and life.
To DaPoPo, she brings a vulnerability and openness to trying new things, experience as a performer and collaborator on political, musical, immersive, and children’s theatre, and boundless idealism. She would like to thank the DaPoPo team for welcoming her into this warm and quirky family!