A Family Show at Alderney Landing's Christkindl Market
Performances 2023:
Friday, Dec. 2nd, 6:30pm-7:00pm
Saturday, Dec. 3rd, 10:30am-11am & 7pm-7:15pm
Sunday, Dec. 10am

Introducing family audiences to some of the beloved traditional German Christmas characters Christkindl, Sankt Nikolaus, Knecht Ruprecht, and Krampus, DaPoPo Theatre’s short, one-act play is a quick, musical, fun-filled morality play for modern audiences.
Will Home Holiday Holding’s devilish CEO Lou C. “Fur” and send Krampus and their friends the way of the dodo, or will St. Nick’s sidekicks Rupert and Li’l Chrissie be able to stop her before it’s too late?

Actors Dorian Lang and Madeleine Tench terrify children as Krampus at Alderney Landing, 2019.
The most recent in a long-line of creative collaborations with Alderney Landing – including a number of plays for young audiences: The Pirate Show; Happy Birthday, Princess Plum!; The Hungry Ghost; as well as a triad of original Dinner Theatre shows –, DaPoPo Theatre was commissioned in 2019 to populate the Christkindl-Market with interactive characters drawn with traditional German Christmas market lore.

Ivy Charles (who also played the Christmas Witch) as Christkindl, 2021. (Kiana DacDonnell also played the angelic Market spirit.)

Kristi Anderson as Sankt Nikolaus, 2021.
Playing this December 2nd, 3rd and 4th 2023 at Alderney Landing’s annual Christkindl Market, the short one-act play is a fun, fast-paced, musical morality play for modern audiences, introducing Nova Scotia audiences to well loved traditional German Christmas characters. The 2023 cast will include Raeesa Lalani, Misha Bakshi, Kristi Anderson, James Thornton, and Dorian Lang.

From left to right: Krampus (Henri Gielis), Christkindl (Kiana MacDonnell), Christmas Witch (Ivy Charles), Sankt Nikolaus (Kristi Anderson), and Knecht Ruprecht (Garry Williams).
Special thanks to readers Madeleine Tench, Raeesa Lalani, James Thornton, Kristi Anderson, Quincy Russell, Luke Hathway, and Garry Williams, as well as dramaturg Karen Bassett. Both James Thornton and Quincy Russell contributed to the early script development. With the help of the Department Communities, Culture, and Heritage, and the support of Playwrights Atlantic Resource Centre (PARC), DaPoPo was able to return to these characters in the hope that crowds will be able to safely gather, and actors may once again tread the boards.
