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Even the Muse Requires Consent: Towards A Healthy Dialogue About Promiscuous Music-Making

DATE: March-April 2024

Cost: sliding scale (recommended min. $125.- for five sessions).

In these drop-in sessions, part lecture, part seminar, participants will delve into Music Theory rudiments, song analysis, and Greek mythology, to learn how to identify pitch, intervals, key signatures, time signatures, major and minor scales, modes, and simple rhythms.

The course draws from classical, Musical Theatre, jazz, and pop.

Williams is an award-winning composer-lyricist, Merritt-nominated Musical Director. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree from Mount Allison University, having also studied at Manhattanville College and the Free University Berlin.

Sessions run Wednesdays 7pm-9pm and Saturday 5pm-7pm, at 8068 Quinpool, in person or via Zoom (by arrangement). For more information, contact Garry Williams via the FB group, or email DaPoPo directly.

Instructor Garry Williams, perched atop a stool at 1313 Hollis for virtual lessons. (Photo credit: Eli Gordon.)


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